Surprise, surprise, this year all the courts are covered by Eurosport Player, so also juniors’ matches can be watched! Or maybe it …
Varvara Gracheva
I took a little holiday from the blog after the Bonfiglio busy period; it’s now time to write something, as Roland Garros …
CopertinaTorneo Junior Under 18 "Trofeo Bonfiglio" Grade A
Bonfiglio day 2: Vaia woke up badly, Osorio had a nightmare
by Tommy Hempby Tommy HempDay 2, second evasion from my office. Or better, actually I went to the club at 9 to see just a set …
CopertinaTorneo Junior Under 18 "Trofeo Bonfiglio" Grade A
Bonfiglio quali 2 and 3. Gracheva: it’s true love.
by Tommy Hempby Tommy HempI have the honour of writing this article sat next to Himari Sato, who is inspiring all the below. So, if you …
CopertinaTorneo Junior Under 18 "Trofeo Bonfiglio" Grade A
Bonfiglio, quali 1 – Nessun grande amore ma un “bel flirt”
by Tommy Hempby Tommy HempEccoci alla 59esima edizione del Trofeo Bonfiglio!! Come al solito il primo giorno di qualifiche è stato abbastanza noioso: succede che vari …
CopertinaTorneo Junior Under 18 "Trofeo Bonfiglio" Grade A
Bonfiglio, quali 1 – No new loves, but a “nice flirt”
by Tommy Hempby Tommy HempWelcome to the 59th edition of Trofeo Bonfiglio!! The first day of quali was a weird one, as it most often happens: …